Monday, June 18, 2012
Soda: A Major Cause of Dental Problems
What is a dental sealant?
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Cancer and X-rays- recent obersevations
A recent study published in the news media talked about X-rays and their cause of brain tumors. Please note this was a very poorly done study and I am not quite sure how it got published.
The study was done in only very select cities. They chose 1400+ random people between the ages of 20 and 79. They asked these patients to rely on memory only of X-rays taken and not actual records of what was done. They compared those to approximately 1300 random people of the same age, race, and sex information.
They did not take into account the newer X-rays that many dentists use that cut significantly cut down on radiation. The study also uses a measure of radiation not used in the last 10 plus years. The study showed that people who just had double bitewings had a higher rate of significance than those that had a full mouth set of X-rays (which numbers 5 times the number of X-rays).
Another important thing to remember is that the time of brain tumor associated with the study is rarely malignant and is the exact same type of tumor that other studies associate with cell phone use. They never talked to any dentists about the different type of X-rays or data collection which I think greatly affects the study.
As always we highly recommend that you talk to your dental care professional about any type of treatment that you are receiving whether it is preventive or major.
The Chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society has also noted, “More data is needed before we can begin to state there is a relationship and these tumors.”
-Paul S. Levine D.D.S.
Milwaukee, WI
Monday, March 19, 2012
Is Chewing Tobacco Safer than Smoking?
Many people think that chewing tobacco is a safe substitute for smoking. What these same people don’t understand is that chewing tobacco can cause some major problems. If you are going to chew tobacco it is important to understand the various risks associated with chewing tobacco.
- Chewing tobacco may lead to oral cancer. Oral cancer is one of the largest crowing cancers in the world and it can be deadly.
- Tobacco can greatly stain your teeth and affects your smile in a negative manner. These people tend to not smile as much. People who chew tobacco develop yellow stains on their teeth.
- Chewing tobacco can cause bad breath. Who would want to kiss someone with tobacco breath?
- Various sores may also appear inside the mouth of people if they chew tobacco on a regular basis. Some of these sores could possibly indicate the presence of oral cancer.
- Increase blood pressure and heart rate could also be a result of chewing tobacco. Ultimately this could lead to a stroke or heart attack.
Many people think that chewing tobacco is better than smoking. However, it is not true. Chewing tobacco can also very dangerous for someone’s health.
If someone wants to live a healthy and long life they should give up tobacco in all forms.
To give up tobacco you will need strong will power. Sometimes you will need professional help to accomplish this.
There are other things someone can chew instead of tobacco different. Mint snuff is a healthy substitute for people who can’t go without chewing tobacco. It satisfies the urge of people to chew tobacco while at the same time it offers little or no side effects. Other things like sugar free gum, sunflower seeds and Jerky are available to help people quit chewing tobacco. Please make your dentist aware if you are a tobacco chewer.
for more information about how tobacco can impact your smile and overall dental health, log on to today or schedule an appointment to discuss your situation.
Are Silver (amalgam) Fillings Safe?
Over the years there has been some concern as to the safety of silver (amalgam) fillings. An amalgam is a blend of copper, silver, tin and zinc, bound by elemental mercury. Dentists have used this material to fill teeth for more than 100 years. The controversy because of claims that exposure to the vapor and minute particles from the mercury can cause a variety of serious health problems.
The general consensus is that silver (amalgam) fillings are safe. The Center for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization, the FDA, and others support the use of silver fillings as safe, durable, and cost effective. The U.S. Public Health Service says that the only reason not to use silver fillings is when a patient has an allergy to any component of this type of filling. The ADA has had fewer than 100 reported incidents of an allergy to components of silver fillings, and this is out of countless millions of silver fillings over the decades.
Although studies have indicated that there are no measurable health risks to patients who have silver fillings, we do know that mercury is a toxic material when we are exposed at high, unsafe levels. For instance, we have been warned to limit the consumption of certain types of fish that carry high levels of mercury in them. However, with respect to amalgam fillings, the ADA maintains that when the mercury combines with the other components of the filling, it becomes an inactive substance that is safe.
There are numerous options to silver fillings, including composite resin (tooth-colored), porcelain, and gold fillings. We encourage you to discuss these options with your dentist so you can determine which is the best option for you.
for more information about silver or amalgam fillings, or to schedule an appointment, log on to our site at
Bad Breath
A Whiter Smile
People say a smile is the window to your soul. This helps explain why people want that million-dollar smile. There are many people who do not like to show off their smile because of discolored teeth which gives a rather old looking appearance to a person and mar their good facial features. The best way to remove discoloration and have that perfect smile is by going through a tooth whitening procedure.
By working with your dentist you can determine how they can best help you whiten your teeth either in-office or with at home bleaching. Some people will also try home remedies for tooth whitening instead of listening to their dentist’s recommendations. However, teeth whitening can cause side effects. Here is a look at some of the risks you need to be aware of, before you decide to take up teeth whitening:
Many home remedies suggest using fruits which have strong acidic properties to whiten teeth. Such food actually causes erosion of the tooth enamel to and the result is sensitive teeth that are more prone to decay.
Dentists use a bleaching process to whiten teeth. The beaching solution contains Hydrogen Peroxide which can sometimes irritate the teeth and gums.
People using at home kits need to use the right quantity of bleaching solution on their teeth. If you do not pay attention to what is the right concentration and quantity of bleaching solution that you need to use when doing teeth whitening at home, the result can be painful and discomforting instead of being helpful. You also need to make sure you don’t overuse these materials.
Teeth whitening can also cause gum irritation. Sometime patients are seen to experience sensations such as nausea, vomiting or a burning feeling as a result of ingesting teeth whitening solutions.
On the other hand tooth whitening can change a person’s smile if done right. To be done right you need to work in conjunction with your dentist to make sure you obtain the best possible results. You also need to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy enough to do whitening. Check out our website at for more information or to schedule an appointment to discuss your whiter smile.