picture perfect smiles

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Uh oh, a Root Canal?

The two little words that make everyones skin crawl, makes your face show the biggest sign of horror, and makes you think, OMG anything but this!!!

And why does it have such a bad wrap when it's as easy as pie?  Now a days it's the same as getting a filling or a crown prep done.  One and a 1/2 to 2 hrs of your time, anesthetic, staying open and 1-2 x-rays.  That's it.

The answer to that question is simple.  Many years ago it used to be a big ordeal.  Two or three appointments, 2-3 hrs each, and you could possibly be in pain between each appointment.  NOT FUN!!

I assure you it's not the same anymore!

What is a root canal?  In order to save a tooth that otherwise might need to come out, or get you out of pain even if it's a perfectly fine tooth but something is going on at the apex or tip of the roots............

Sometimes we need to take the "nerve" out of the tooth. We do this with a specialized system of endodontic files that gradually get wider. These files help us clean out the pulp chamber & canals. Once we have cleaned out the nerve canals all the way down to the tip (apex) of the root, we fill it with a gutta percha (rubbery-like material) Then a temporary or permanent filling is done. A post & core and a crown can be done in the near future.

What is the reason for the post and crown? Once the nerve is out, the tooth can become brittle and break.  The post helps support the tooth and the crown helps protect the tooth. 

For more information about having a root canal or if you think you may need dental treatment, see your dentist or log on to our website for more information.

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