picture perfect smiles

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's Just a Cleaning!

But in fact, it's never just a cleaning. It's much more important than that.

When you’re scheduled for your regular 6-month visits, do you really know everything that happens? Do you know why x-rays are taken each time? Do you know if and when your last oral-cancer-screening was done? Many people don’t have answers to most of these questions. Let us shed some light on the situation and explain a bit more in detail what really goes on here at each visit.

We ask if you’re taking any new medications, as many medications can cause dry-mouth. This drier environment helps plaque to flourish and harden quicker, causing tartar to build up faster, and cause inflammation of the gum tissues. When the gums recede, the amount of bone also recedes. This bone tissue is what holds the teeth in their sockets and firmly in your mouth. Bone loss is the most common reason people lose their teeth.

Radiographs, or x-rays, are taken each visit, so your dentist can monitor closely for any changes in bone level, areas of decay, or other discrepancies that are not visible to the naked eye. X-rays can also show the doctor signs of fracture, abscess, or inflammation of the ligament that could potentially lead to more complex and expensive procedures.

We also have a rinse and light product available that will detect abnormalities in the soft tissues of your mouth. The product is called Visilite Plus, and it is an FDA approved oral cancer screening tool. These abnormalities, if found, could lead a biopsies, and if unchecked, potentially cancerous growth. The importance of early detection cannot be emphasized enough for any signs of oral cancer. The success rates for treatment in early detection are much higher than if prolonged or undetected.

The most important reason to keep your regular visits up, is of course to have the plaque and calculus (or tartar) removed from your teeth and gums. As stated above, bone loss is the greatest reason for tooth loss after the age of 20. Keeping these visits regularly minimize buildup, and bone loss, allowing you to smile with confidence for years and years to come.

for more information or to contact our office to schedule an appointment, log on to our website at LevineDental.com.

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