The tradition when a child looses a tooth of leaving it
under the pillow is practiced in many countries throughout the world. It is
very common in the United States and many parents even make a deal with the
Tooth Fairy to keep their child’s teeth as a memento.

More people believe in the existence of the Tooth Fairy than
Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny. Most people think the tooth fairy is female
but in reality no one really knows what the tooth fairy looks like though most
people tend to associate it with a Tinker Bell type figure.
There are many related myths in other countries when a child
loses a tooth, such as throwing it onto the roof if it was a lower tooth or
putting it beneath the floor if it was an upper tooth. Many parents also leave
some glitter or “fairy dust” after the tooth fairy has left.
A February 2013 ABC News story said the average left for a
tooth was $2.42. No matter how you want to look at it, it seems the Tooth Fairy
is always near by!
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